Mini Volley Academy

Attack – Video book

The five clips show the progression from global to detailed movement. In the 5th clip we bring the attention to the use of proportions in the arm (scapula/shoulder, shoulder/elbow, elbow/wrist/hand. So we don't correct the position of the body at that moment for facilitating the player to focus on the arm movement.

The initiation of the ball hit comes from the rotation of the pelvis.

Rotation 1

Rotation 2

Rotation 3

The pelvis at 45º in relationship to the net at the moment of the take off and during the air phase.

Rotation 4

The pelvis at 45º in relationship to the net at the moment of the take off and during the air phase.

The arm spirals for the hand hitting (pronation).


1/1 with attack
(staying on one side)

We use the same exercise from one-on-one to introduce attack techniques. As explained in the previous chapter (1/1) tactical thinking precedes technical execution.

1/1 with attack
(moving to the other side)

We use the same exercise from one-on-one to introduce attack techniques. As explained in the previous chapter (1/1) tactical thinking precedes technical execution.

Two video with sequences how to teach attack.

Attack – Upper part of the body

Attack – Lower part of the body